The response to the previous offerings has encouraged the college to present it again.
If you're interested you can register online at or call 250.370.3550
The goals of this class are two-fold. First I will work the class to get a more solid understanding of how they can each use their own portable flashes (Speedlights) in a variety of settings and situations. My experience has made it clear that even experienced working photographers have often not made effective effort to learn to use their own portable flashes. And it is usually much simpler than you can imagine. Which then allows the photographer to shoot in unlimited locations and in various light conditions.
That's hard to do when the photographer still feels a need to build his/her own confidence. My models & I will be encouraging, assisting, suggesting and teasing the students to connect with the person(s) on the other side of the camera.
The students shoot with models in all classes but the first when we get into the tools and lighting techniques. The models often have more experience and knowledge than the students and often make suggestions and share their knowledge from another perspective.
For a couple of classes we work with nude figure models to explore light in its purest and most direct application. Again, I'm right there for guidance, direction & advice and the models backgrounds puts them in a perfect place to share their insight.
We will also go "on location" for one class (island weather permitting) to work in unusual lighting conditions and learn how to use our flashes with ambient light to create dramatic and exciting lighting effects.
Camosun College is now the primary source in Victoria for a wide range of photography courses for all levels of students. With the choices having been narrowed down recently, the college has taken the opportunity to widen their range of subjects. Check them out and register online at or call 250.370.3550
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